Why Fries?

Hola. And welcome to Fries. A blog about a chic in the South who had her heart broken by a man who didn’t tell her he was getting married in June.  That’s right. I fell in love with an unavailable man. I never thought it would happen to me. But it did. He lied.  I was dumb. And now he is getting married in June.  He still texts me and I’m not strong enough to stop it. We were best friends and it’s hard to let it go. But I am trying.  Every damn day I try and forget him.  And it is so damn hard. I don’t know if people are going to hate me for it, or love me for being honest about it.  It was an honest mistake.  We live in different cities and he is great at hiding things.  But I am sad.  I’m sad I lost someone I thought I was going to be with. I’m sad for the gal he is marrying.  She has no idea he is in love with someone else who knows him better than she does.

So Fries it is. I am going to pour my heart into this space and hopefully heal. I am going to get out everything I have bottled up to a bunch of people I don’t know.  I feel like it will be easier to be judged by people who don’t know me rather than the ones that love me.  Is that messed up? Probably be.   But I have got to try something.  This heartache shit if for the birds.  I hate it. So here I am.  Doing this. Talking about stuff that I love, like fries. And well done fries.  Always well done.  I HATE soggy fries.  Give me the crispy fries every. single. time.

I have lived a lot of life in my short 30 ish years and think I have some good stuff to share.  I’ll make you laugh some.  Cry some.  And probably scream a bit too.  I am no where close to having it all together.  My shit is messy.  But isn’t everyone’s? We all have our things that make us messy.  I think trying to pretend like we have it all together is lame. Lets be messy together and help each other clean it up.

Thanks for being here. Thanks for helping me heal. I look forward to getting out all my messy shit and learning along the way.

Also, and probably most importantly, I love my fries with MAYO. There.  I feel freer already.

Bedroom Makeover

I having been slowing working on a bedroom make over for a few weeks now.  It all started with Target’s new line called Opalhouse.  I fell in love the day it launched. And haven’t stop looking for things to change my room up.  I first ordered this teal headboard and had to wait a full month before it actually shipped out to me.  I waited and waited, and finally, it  arrived.  I was thrilled.  I LOVED the color and the velvet was soooo silky.  I love that I can add other fun pastel and bold colors to my room and it will go great with the headboard.

Next thing I ordered was this super cute and simple dresser from Wayfair.  It was the PERFECT length for the spot I needed it to go.  It came in two boxes and about 6 million pieces.  I honestly started to get shaky thinking about putting it together.  I did some research and found a company called Fired Up Assemblers that sends an off duty fireman to  your house to assemble whatever you need assembling.  I was hoping for a super buff fireman to work shirtless, but instead got a normal guy who was fully clothed.  But, he put together the dresser like a champ.  He told me it was the hardest thing he has ever had to do and I felt very justified spending the money to have it put together.  I am still looking for the perfect decor to add to the top of the dresser to get everything just right.


Next, I ordered a new nightstand.  I ordered it thinking I was going to switch out the handles on my new dresser for something with a mirrored finish.  Then I went a different direction with the dresser and was going to return the nightstand for something else.  But, I ended up matching the new handles for the dresser with the nightstand, so the nightstand stayed.  It is a little bigger than I was hoping for, but I am going to make it work.  I know.  I am a complete mess picking stuff out.

All I need now is a full length mirror,a basic white desk/writing table and some decor, and I will be completely done with my bedroom remodel.  I can’t wait until it’s all finished to show it off.

Is there anything you love about your room that I shouldn’t pass up? I would love to hear from you.

Dear Justin Timberlake, I love you.

It’s true.  I LOVE Justin Timberlake.  From my first solo concert as a 12 year child seeing N’SYNC, to my 31 year old grandma self seeing him on Friday night, I still love him and he’s still got it. I was able to score some last second tickets with my BFF and we had THE BEST time! We were surrounded by couples.  And all the men were SOO boring.  They hating being there and were clearly only there because their wives promised them something in return for bringing them to the show.  But not my BFF.  He was dancing and actin a fool right along with me.

I’ve been friends with E for almost 5 years now.  We met randomly and had out little fling.  We would makeout and hook up on occasion, but it was nothing serious.  I was WAYYYY more into him, then he ever was me.  When I finally realized that, it was heartbreaking to take a step back from him.  But I did.  And our friendship made it through.  He is always down for anything.  And he is always there if I need someone to hang with.  We always have the best time hanging out and always end up doing the most random, fun things together.  And I could not be more thankful for him and our friendship.

I have been in a really bad place lately.  I am sad.  And I don’t know what it is.  I am in a funk.  I would rather be home than out.  I don’t want to be around people and I just want to cry all the time.  This isn’t normal for me.  Going through a breakup is hard.  And it sucks. And I hate it.  But E is always there if I need him.  And I am so thankful.

Who are you thankful for?  Is there anything that can make my broken heart heal faster? Cause I am STRUGGLIN.

Hope you are enjoying your long weekend!

I’ve decided to quit.

Well.  Today is the day.  I have no idea what actually came over me and why I picked today to quit, but I have decided to give up smoking cigarettes.  Something has come over me and I realized I have to start somewhere.  I have to start so that in 3 months, I will be able to look back and see that I have gone somewhere.  I am tired of not having anything to look back on and be proud of that I have accomplished.  So today is the day I am starting.  I am putting it out there for people to know and in 3 months when I have done it, we will celebrate.  But for now, here is to day one.  I don’t smoke a bunch, maybe 4-5 a day, but enough that I shouldn’t.  I hide it from my parents. (I know they know I do but it isn’t talked about) I don’t do it in front of certain people.  So I think it is time to make a change and just quit all together.  I only smoke when I am driving so I know this afternoon is going to be a test.  But I am saying NO and going to fight the urge and temptation and be strong.  I can be strong and I will.  I always view myself as weak, but today I am going to be strong against this one thing.  Maybe if I can be strong against one thing, I will be strong against other things, like dickward soon to be married man texting me.  Here’s to being strong and knowing that I can do something I set my mind to.


A single, two doubles and a triple

Some of you may have no earthly idea what I am even talking about.  But last night, I played in a slow pitch softball game for the first time in about a year, and that’s what I hit.  Which is so stinkin great for me.  I couldn’t believe it. I haven’t swung a bat in nearly 12 months and I came out the gate HOT.  I used to play ball a lot. Like all the time.  Then life happened and I just couldn’t get out on the field.

When I say life, I mean hard life.  When I started playing ball again as an adult, I played on a team with my best friend.  My best friend who became my roommate.  My roommate who drove drunk one night and ran his car into a tree and died.  After than, ball wasn’t as fun anymore.  There were too many memories that brought on a slew of emotions so I just didn’t play. But last night, I played.  And played great at that.  The memories were still there, but in a good way.  In a healed way.  Not that I am healed from losing a best friend in such a tragic way. But healed enough that there was peace when I was playing.

Life is hard.  I have been through some things.  I have lost people and had every single one of my feelings hurt.  But I am still here.  I am making the best of what I have and seeing that living life to the fullest brings great peace to someone like me.  I am by no means perfect.  I screw up regularly.  I am judgey.  And rude. And negative.  But I can recognize it. And work on changing it.  So thanks for listening. And encouraging. And just being.  I appreciate this little community that I can share with.


The Perfect Weekend

Have you ever just had one of those weekends that puts you in a really happy place? Nothing was planned, but the plans all worked out and you had an absolutely incredible weekend? No? Well I did. So here’s how it all went down.

Friday night was epic.  I have been working a TON lately so I knew that I was going to just relax and take it easy. Recharge. Rest. Which is exactly what I did.  I ordered pizza and watched 5 episodes of Showtimes SMILF. I would have watched more, but I only had 5 left to watch.  It might be one of the funniest shows I have ever watched.  The main character is so quick and drops the best one liners. I can’t wait for season two!

Saturday was even better than Friday.  I woke up ON MY OWN!  No alarm. No phone calls.  Nothing. There is nothing I hate more than being woken up by a phone call from someone I don’t want to talk to at the moment.  It’s usually my mom calling to bitch at me or ask me to do something for her (that she is fully capable of doing herself) and it ALWAYS puts me in a sour mood.  I know it’s something I need to work on, but for now, I hate it.  So Saturday I woke up, had coffee and watched hours of food network.  FN is usually what I have on for my background noise. Around 3, the fireman showed up.  Now before you freak out, this was a hired fireman.  I ordered a new dresser from Wayfair a couple weeks ago and nearly had a panic attack when I unwrapped the pieces from the boxes they sent me.  I knew there was no way in hell I would ever get that thing put together so I hired an off duty fireman to come to my house and assemble the dresser for me.  Now, he did it wearing clothes which I was bummed about, but he told me it was the hardest piece of furniture he had ever assembled.  So I felt better about my decision to spend the money on hiring someone.

While he was there, I got a text from a girlfriend asking me if I wanted 4 free tickets to the baseball game at 6:10.  Of course I did. Now, who was I going to ask? Well, it ended up just my dad and I being able to go.  And it was actually the best decision.  We had a great time just the two of us hanging out watching the game.  Something we haven’t ever done just the two of us.  We stayed most of the game and even went to grab some oysters and dirty martini’s afterward.  It was so nice for just the two of us to hang.  After I left dinner, I went to meet up with some girlfriends who I hadn’t hung out with in quite a while.  We ended up downtown and had a blast drinking and dancing the night away. After a 25 min wait in the Whataburger drive through, I was home and finally asleep by 4 am!

The next morning, I had to get my ass in gear.  I had to pick up a few gifts for my grandma who we were having a late lunch with for Mother’s day.  We had a the best Brunch and the best time as a family for a couple hours before we went our separate ways.  I headed off to do some shopping at Anthropology and found nothing.  I am needing some new handles for my new dresser and I didn’t find anything that I loved at Anthro.  I paid 3 bucks to park for an hour, so I figured I would browse around a few other stores.  I found a cute 85 percent off planner at the Paper Source and the cutest top/dress at Free People that I spent wayyyy too much money on. After I was done browsing, I headed to IKEA.  I walked the entire damn store and left with NOTHING.  I was actually quite sad about it because I need some things for my room, but didn’t find anything that I loved.  So off to Target I went.  I almost always grab a popcorn while I wander around Target, and today was no different.  Didn’t find anything I wanted at Tarj other than a few essentials for the casa.  But found a 30 dollar gift card in my wallet I forgot about, so score one for me.  After Target I headed home for a night on the couch with my pup. I had a ton of stuff I could have done, but it was great to just relax and recharge for a full week ahead.

Did you do anything exciting this weekend? Are you ready for the week ahead? I would love to connect with some people and hear from you.



Holy Smokes

Man. This blogging stuff is no joke.  There is so much to learn. So many different things I had NO idea about until I really started to research it.  You guys are my HEROS!! I spent my entire night listening to whatever was on Bravo and reading tips and tricks of the trade.  I followed, liked, commented and just browsed for almost 3 hours last night. I didn’t know there was so much that went into successful blogging. I loved learning new things and am actually excited to dig further into it.

One of the biggest things I learned is that I need to find a niche.  What do I want to talk about? What do people want to read? Should I do a food post? Should I talk about everything Bravo? When do I schedule my posts for? How many people should I follow on twitter? SO. MANY. THINGS! So much to talk about! I am still working on a plan. So hang in there. I promise I will have some good stuff.  Some funny stuff.  Some serious stuff. Lots of stuff.  I just got to get a plan.  I love a plan.  I love writing things down in a notebook and having them come to life.  So that’s what I will do this weekend.  I’ll plan.  I will buy a new notebook (because one can never have enough notebooks) and sit and think and learn and create.  And I could not be more excited about it.

So thank you to those few who took the time to encourage me yesterday. Thank you for sticking with me on this and making it fun and exciting for me.  I can honestly say I am super excited for this journey and the things that could come from it.

Here’s to a weekend of happy planning,
